Revolving restaurants II: the Merry-Go-Round

merrygoroundLA1930sApart from amusement parks, I think of merry-go-rounds mostly in conjunction with bars. It seems they served as jolly imbibing venues in the 1930s after Prohibition ended. It makes me mildly queasy to think of them going round and round but presumably they revolved very slowly and presented no hazards to tipsy customers. [pictured below is San Francisco’s Fairmont Hotel bar during WWII]


Even before revolving bars came upon the scene restaurateurs were dreaming up various sorts of revolving restaurants. I’ve written before about rotating restaurants atop tall buildings that let diners gaze upon ever-changing vistas spread out before them. California also had counter-style restaurants made with a revolving inner counter that held food in glass-enclosed compartments, almost like a revolving Automat, but without slots for coins. Some were round while others had a U-shape.

Merry-Go-Round-CafeNo.4Gustav and Gertrude Kramm were likely the first to introduce the merry-go-round concept to diners. Around 1930 they established two Merry-Go-Round Cafes in Long Beach CA incorporated as Revolving Table Cafés, Ltd. The corporation also produced the revolving serving tables. In 1931 Gustav filed a patent application for a “Café Table of the Traveling Conveyor Type,” for which engineer Harold Hackett was listed as inventor. It involved two conveyors, the top loaded with prepared relishes, salads, sandwiches, and desserts, and the lower one transporting dirty dishes to the kitchen. The conveyor traveled slowly enough, and the selection of dishes was repeated often enough, that customers could lift the glass doors and remove food easily.

merrygoroundcafeSFHot food, particularly main dishes, soup, and coffee, was delivered by servers who worked behind the counter.

Essentially the conveyor system was implemented so that the maximum number of customers could be served a fairly wide range of food inexpensively in a limited amount of space. The specialty of the Merry-Go-Rounds was the provision of full meals averaging 35 to 50 cents, an attractive bargain during the Depression. For 50 cents diners could order a main dish such as Ham Steak with Country Gravy and then choose two salads and two desserts from the revolving counter, along with all the relishes, rolls & butter, and coffee they wanted.

The Kramms operated some of the Merry-Go-Rounds and leased others. By the end of 1930 there were units in Long Beach (2), Los Angeles (4), and Seattle WA (1). Later Merry-Go-Rounds were opened in Huntington Park, Pasadena, San Diego, San Francisco, and possibly Santa Barbara, California. I’m not sure how long the restaurants remained in business but I could find no trace of them beyond 1941.

© Jan Whitaker, 2014


Filed under technology

11 responses to “Revolving restaurants II: the Merry-Go-Round

  1. Anonymous

    Does anybody remember what the name of the orange sherbet soft serve that merry-go-round served in the 70s? Or have a recipe to share? I would appreciate any help at all! I loved going there just to get a cone😋🤤😍

  2. Michael Penland

    I have a copper bell with a bottle opener attached with the inscription Carrousel Merry Go Round Bar & Restaurant Miami Beach on the opposite side God Bless America Peace To The Entire World 1941. Anyone with info?

  3. Pingback: ‘French Friday Celebrates’ The Carousel, a historical, imaginative amusement of enchantment. | AMERICA ON COFFEE

  4. Meredith

    There is an ice cream/chocolate shop in North Olmsted, OH – Malley’s – that has an indoor dining carousel.

  5. I always thought that the conveyor-belt restaurant was a sushi-related Japanese invention. I’m amazed to learn it was invented in Los Angeles (the same year the electric guitar was invented, also in LA). By the way, Jan, I have been a big fan of your blog for a long time. You do some great, well-researched work!

  6. I vaguely remember going to a restaurant as a young child and being astounded at the food moving along under glass that could be pulled out. Wish I could remember where it was. Either Los Angeles or San Francisco most likely.

  7. I think the Post Office tower restaurant in London used to revolve. And of course there is Yo sushi, with food on a conveyor belt.

  8. Glen H

    Ah, this would be the ancestors of the sushi train restaurants!

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